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New to A.A.?


Thank you for your interest in Alcoholics Anonymous. We hope that these few questions and answers will help you on your journey to recovery. If you would like to speak to other alcoholics, feel free to contact our hotline or come to a meeting. 

What is an A.A. Meeting?
The primary purpose of an A.A. meeting is for members to share their experience, strength and hope with each other concerning their problems with alcohol and their experiences in recovery.


“The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.” Thus, anyone who thinks that they may have a problem with alcohol is welcome to attend any meeting listed in the Meeting Directory. There are two main categories of meeting, Open and Closed.

Open Meeting – Open to anyone who is interested in the A.A. Program. Visitors and friends are expected to respect the anonymity of all persons they see or meet at A.A. meetings, and asked to not share.

Closed Meeting – For alcoholics only. Discussion of the A.A. Program is held and every person has the opportunity to ask questions and share their experience more freely. All members benefit from the experience, strength and hope of each other.

Some meetings are intended primarily for women, men, the LGBTQ community or speakers of a specific language and are listed accordingly in the Meeting Directory. If you would like more information about any of the listed meetings, feel free to call the number attached. We would love to see you. 

 How do I become a Member?


It's quite simple. You are a member when you say you are. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking, and many of us were not even very sure of that when we first approached A.A.!

Is A.A. a religious organization?


No. A.A. is not allied or affiliated with any religious organization.

 How much does it cost?


There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership or attendance at meetings. However, usually at meetings a collection basket is passed for A.A. members to have an opportunity to contribute towards the expenses of the group (e.g. room rent, coffee, literature supplies, etc). No one, not even A.A. members, are obliged to contribute.

I have a friend/family member who drinks too much, how can I make them stop?


Very little. Until an alcoholic wants to stop drinking, not much can be done to help them. However, as soon as they express a desire to stop drinking, you could give them the contact info for A.A. and suggest they call us. In the meantime, we urge the relatives and friends of problem drinkers to contact Al-Anon Family Groups for further information and assistance. Click here for more Al-Anon information.

If you are unsure if you are in the right place, please visit:


Is A.A. For You?


For more information on Alcoholics Anonymous, please see:


The Twelve Steps


The Twelve Traditions

Copyright @ Alcoholics Anonymous Jerusalem. All rights reserved.
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